The pictures of the developers are from the
Pub Uhrwerk - Homepage (http://www.pub-uhrwerk.at) and were taken at the
Uhrwerk Beach Party.
David Tanzer

Adress: |
Haghofstr. 29 -
A-3352 St. Peter / Au -
Austria / Europe
e-mail: |
Date of Birth: |
09-28-1979 |
Favourite Links: |
My personal project diary
I am a Student of Computer Science at the
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Before that I was at the HTBLA Steyr
, which is a technical school, and then I had to do "Alternative Service". For
all of you who don't know what this means: In austria, every male citizen has to go to
the army for eight months. But: there is an alternative service. You can do social jobs
for twelve months with nearly no payment (2400 ATS/month = approx. 200 USD). I was
an ambulance man (I don't like this translation for the german word "Sanitaeter", so
if you have a better one, tell me).

Rene Pirringer
I'm sorry, Rene didn't send me any data about him yet, and I don't want to write
something about him here without asking him.

Peter Becker
We don't have any picture of Peter yet.
Peter was born on 11-22-1971 in Olpe, Sauerland, Germany. In Germany he is well
known from the traffic news.
He now lives in Southport, Queensland AUS, and is working as "Research
Scientist" for the DSTC (
He has studied computer science at the
Philipps University of Marburg. He also nearly finished his study of
Mathematics, and had also a little bit of psychology, philosophy, ... .
He was working 1 year at NaviCon
and has developed "Cernato" there (and I think I'm not able to translate what that
program does)
He now is involved in four projects at sourceforge, for example this project,
edgar - a schema based editor,
XWeb, which is a pretty cool
tool for easily creating homepages, and another project which I don't know at the
moment. I might add it later.
